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Autism Program

Building Blocks Developmental Preschool offers a comprehensive treatment plan for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) through age five. There are many treatments available for children diagnosed as having an autism spectrum disorder. Extensive research has shown empirically that children who receive early and intensive education using Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) have significant gains in cognitive, communication, and social relatedness skills. ABA uses reinforcement to shape behavior and to help children learn new skills. The goal is to help each child achieve the greatest degree of independence possible and to provide the skills he or she will need to function successfully and reach their fullest potential. Our program offers an intensive ABA program individualized to meet the needs of each child. We provide intervention using discrete trial instruction, verbal behavior strategies, and incidental teaching opportunities. The development and generalization of social skills, speech and language, cognition, and daily living skills is the goal for every child. Our teaching occurs in structured settings in the home and school, as well as in natural settings in the home and community.
Our Autism program offers:
- Individualized curricula
- A collaborative team approach
- Team meetings
- Weekly family training
- Data based decision making
- Systematic assessment of each child’s skills
- Integrated socialization groups
- Parent support groups
- Speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy as indicated on each child’s education plan
- Special Education Itinerant Teachers (SEIT)

Our teachers are all New York State certified in special education, and early intervention providers have undergone extensive training to meet Suffolk County ABA competency recommendations. All teachers and assistants are under the direct supervision of the Clinical Coordinator and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). Ongoing individual and group supervision is provided, and inservice training is offered in behavior management, augmentative communication, and other relevant areas on an ongoing basis.

The preschool program at Building Blocks is comprised of full day (5 hour) and half day (2 ½ hour) special education classes, as well as half day integrated classes. Children on the autism spectrum are placed in the appropriate class for their individual needs ( i.e. the least restrictive environment, as determined at their CPSE and indicated on their Individualized Education Plan). Our most comprehensive treatment option for preschoolers with an Autism spectrum disorder is our full day, self-contained 8:1:2 class. Incorporated into the daily activities of this class are ABA therapy, components of TEACCH, as well as alternative communication strategies should they be appropriate.
Our preschool ABA program includes several models of service delivery:
- Full day special classes on site at Building Blocks which incorporate ABA and TEACCH methodologies, as well as utilize alternative means of communication such as PECS and iPads.
- SEIT services for children who attend community based preschools. These services can be provided onsite at the child’s preschool or in the home.
- Individual parent training services are offered in accordance with a family’s needs and the child’s IEP.
- Parent support/educational groups are available to all families of children who receive services through Building Blocks Developmental Preschool.
- Six week summer program for children who qualify.
ABA services at the preschool level follow the school calendar. There are generally no services on weekends, or during regularly scheduled holidays and school vacations.
For further information on autism and related topics, please visit the following sites
NY Families of Autistic Children at www.nyfac.org
ABA materials and resources http://www.difflearn.com
Consumers Guide to Quality Home Programming http://www.suffolkcountyny.gov/health